As much as Debbie Cannatella admires watercolor techniques that show soft abstractions and seem to flow with wild abandon, her natural style is to paint tight and detailed realistic works and to incorporate well-defined geometric shapes in her non-objective works. A 25-year career as a senior highway designer is evidenced in her love of geometry, linear movement, and linking pathways.
Debbie began painting in watercolors at the age of 15 and has developed her skills through reading, painting, participating in critique groups, and taking workshops with artists she admires. As a norm, she works in transparent watercolor, occasionally using acrylic in a transparent manner. She works from still-lifes, photos, and sketches; lately she has been incorporating more symbols and imagery in her work, weaving a story as she paints.
Frequent moves required by her husband's career have taken Debbie from large, busy, gallery-filled cities to a small town where she spearheaded the development of an arts coalition and fine art gallery, and back to a major urban center. With each move, she finds the local watercolorists and builds her niche in the community. She has taught workshops and private classes and is active in numerous local arts organizations wherever she lives. A signature member of the Louisiana Watercolor Society, her work appears in Chris Unwin's book Artistic Touch 4 (2010).
Please visit Debbie's blog to learn more about her work and follow her profile link to her website.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Andy Evansen
Largely self-taught, Andy Evansen was drawn to watercolor after acquiring a Charles Reid book on figure painting when he was in high school. Interested primarily in the landscape, he has taken workshops from renowned artists such as Skip Lawrence, Eric Weigardt and Alvaro Castagnet. Andy observes, "They instilled in me the delicate balance between painting loosely yet convincingly through strong shapes and good design, and that is what I now pass on to my students. Any scene is a possible painting for me, provided the light and shapes attract my eye. The struggle to master a medium that is best when left to 'do its own thing' will, I'm sure, keep me humbled and excited for years to come."
Andy has been painting watercolors for almost 20 years and now paints and teaches around the world. He has made recent painting trips to China, Europe, Mexico, and Canada and will be teaching a workshop for the Southwestern Watercolor Society in Dallas in mid-October. His work has appeared in several magazines -- International Artist, Watercolor, and Watercolor Artist. In 2011, Andy will be a guest artist at the Plein Air Painters of America Exhibition and Sale in Stockton, California. His work can be seen at Segil FIne Art in Monrovia, California and at the Wilcock Gallery in Excelsior, Minnesota.
Please jump to Andy's website to see more of his work.